Friday, May 21, 2010

Poured Out Love

I am blessed! I have been praying that I would get up at 5 consistently to spend time with God. Because I KNOW that a day started with God is always a good day, and a day I start on my own always goes wrong. I choose God. Anyway, He woke me up at 4:52 and I will tell you I did not want to get up. It took me until 5:03 to be convicted enough to get out of my comfy bed. But, oh, the blessing is worth it. I spent some good time in prayer, Bible reading and devotions. Then made some coffee and turned on the weather channel. As I sat down on the couch with my cup of coffee in the pre-kids getting up silence, the thunderstorm started outside. I saw on the radar that it is just small storm passing through. But how perfect a blessing it is from God to me. A perfect reward for getting up and being with Him. I love a thunderstorm and to sit here in silence in my pjs with my coffee and just listen.....I could not be happier in this moment. Thank you Lord for pouring out your love on me this morning!!!

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