Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Go on DHS - Our Choice

So, we did not proceed with the DHS filing. We went there and sat for 50 minutes waiting for our appointment. The longer we sat, the more we thought we were not supposed to be there. I do not mean that we were "too good" to be there, I mean that we were not "desperate" enough to be there. OK I WAS desperate, but we did not need like the people there did - yet. Oh there were some who I almost think wanted to be there, but then there were others.....oh Greg and I had tears in our eyes as we watched. We were finally taken back for our appointment and our "case worker" was the sweetest lady. As all 6 of us huddled in her cubical, Greg and I started to explain that we did not think we needed to be there. But we (OK I) was so scared, that I just ran in there without even really thinking (or praying) it through. As I was sitting there I started crying again. Jacob was standing next to me, and he looked at the lady and asked her if she had any tape? She looked at him with a puzzled look, and he said "so I can tape her mouth shut". He was referring to me. He did not mean it to be mean. Rather, he was so tired of watching me cry in public he just wanted to keep me quiet. I love that. He is really so sweet.

So we decided that we would wait 30 days before proceeding - as that is how long our application is good for. As we were walking out, Greg was talking to the lady about how we could help out or give back. How cool is that? We have not even gotten ourselves out of our valley and he is already thinking about how he could help others. That is crazy cool. Jesus be praised!!!!

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