Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Had a Good Morning

We went to church this morning. We had our first discipleship class this morning and Tom came with us. Towards the end of the class Pastor Todd asked for people to share how they felt post-Encounter. I said that I am no longer remorseful, but truly repentant. You know, not always saying I am sorry for something and then going right back to doing it. If I keep going back and doing it again, I am not truly repentant. My Encounter experience helped me to see the difference. Then what happened next was so great. Greg said that although he had not had the Encounter experience (yet), he was noticing some things. He said that my grandma was a saint and was one of the nicest people he had ever met - she never had a bad thing to say. Then Greg said that he was starting to see some of those same characteristics in me. Wow! First it was great to hear something like that, but better than that was that it came from Greg. What an encouragement to me he was today. So he was wet in the eyes and so was I. The words were even more encouraging because after the class, and in the service, I had to go onstage and speak. Not something I prefer to do. I was asked to talk about what I learned at the Encounter and what I would say to someone considering attending. Praise the Lord it went well. I mean the people who commented to me about it said I did well. I graciously thank them for their kind words, but know that the real thanks belongs to the Lord God, who gave me the strength and courage (and words) to this.

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