Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Three Carts Full

Yesterday we were blessed. I mean really blessed. We received our assistance card. I know....the Michelle of yester-year would have been mortified. But the Michelle of today was rejoicing and praising God for His blessing. Because to be absolutely honest we were OVER-blessed. Last night we went shopping and had 3 carts full. We decided to stock our pantry and buy meat. We bought quite a bit, but I was glad to see that even though we were not spending "cash out of our pocket" we were responsible and shopped sales and did not buy things we would not normally buy. OK with the exception of a pop tarts and frozen pizzas, that is. But we were glad to get a few special treats for the kids and so thankful to be able to do so. The total bill, you ask? $464.56 I told you we could not spend that much. This morning Greg came and told me that he was thinking what I have been thinking since this "situation" started. He almost felt gluttonous. I told him I did to. And then we talked a bit more about exactly what that meant. Here is what we have come up with - satan is trying to get our minds off being thankful for what God has provided. He is trying to replace our thanksgiving with guilt. Oh how sneaky he is. We decided this morning to continue to praise God for His provision and not to be guilty. To be good stewards of what has been entrusted to us. Not to be frivolous, but to use this blessing to bless others. He will lead us in what that means. Maybe it means inviting more people over for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Maybe it means taking meals to people. Maybe it means all this and more. God will lead us.

Know what is even neater about this whole thing? My DBV for today. Holy cow! Check it out.

A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment? – Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

So, we will eat, drink and find work and enjoyment, BECAUSE it is from the hand of God. Oh how my Lord has blessed us. Thank you Father.

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