Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jadyn's Poolside Accident

Birthday party day today. Over 40 people at the pool to celebrate Jadyn, Grace and Seth's birthdays. At about 10 minutes to 4pm, Jadyn slipped and fell and hit her head (face?) on the concrete. We saw her and I jumped out of the pool and so did a couple of other people (who I cannot name because my brain is blank on a lot of what happened). When I got to her, she was trying to cry but could not. I tried to blow in her face to get her to catch her breath but she did not. She was turning blue and I was trying to get her to respond to me. Her eyes crossed, rolled back and she went limp in my arms. I was terrified. I yelled for someone to call 911 because she was not breathing. I remember my dad and Carolyn running over and Greg turned Jadyn over and my dad hit her on the back. Finally, she responded but was very out of it. Greg said we were taking her to the hospital, so I grabbed her and started to the van. Forget that I was in my bathing suit, dripping wet - I was going. Greg went and got dressed and I walked to the van. My mom and Carolyn followed me out and told me they would hold her while I went to get dressed. So I went to get dressed but my head was spinning so much I was getting dizzy. I was able to get half dressed (one shirt on and shorts on but not done up) as I ran out the door. While I was in the house, mom and Carolyn dressed Jadyn. We started on our way - not yet knowing what hospital to go to. We only knew we were not going to the one here because they can never do anything to help kids. We were heading towards 96 when Greg realized that he had no gas. Suffice it to say that he was nervous and panicky, and drove like an extreme crazy man. I tried to tell him it would do us no good to have none of us make it to the hospital. All through the ride to the hospital Jadyn was kind of zoning in and out, and was really tired and wanted to go to sleep. We finally made it to the hospital and as soon as I walked in holding Jadyn, she started screaming. I think she was really scared of what WAS going to happen to her, never mind what she had already gone through. After close to 2 hours, it was decided that she was fine to take home and that we would monitor her closely for the next couple of days, returning if there were any problems. We will continue to pray God's protection over her - that He would keep her safe and free from any side effects.

When I yelled that Jadyn was not breathing, I scared Grace. She immediately went into hysterics. From what I heard, she "cried into Tom" for a good while. Later she was laying with my mom and told her that she "would rather die than have her sister die". I think she was thinking this because of what I yelled. I am so in awe of the heart of this girl. She is the most kind and compassionate kid I have ever met. Her love for her family is amazing. Countless times she has chosen something (that was supposed to be for herself) based on what she thinks her brother (Jacob) might like. Unbelievable. What an example of the selfless love of Christ. Someday I would love to be like this girl. I am so proud of her.

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