Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

Today is Grandpa's birthday!

I knew I should have blogged last night while things "seemed" really good. Things are still good, but not what we originally thought. So here it is.....

Yesterday Greg had an interview in Holt. He interviewed first with an HR representative, who told him they had been looking for a long time for this position and he was the first one who fit the job. Then he interviewed with the manager who after about 15 minutes said that he would be perfect. Then they asked him to sit in the lobby for a few minutes. They wanted him to interview with the director next. Well, as it turned out, the director was not there. So they asked him if he could come back. He was obviously disappointed as the interview had seemed to go so well up to this point, but told them he would come back. They asked if he could come back "tomorrow" (which is today) and he told them he had to be honest and that he had 2 other interviews today. But they could call him when they wanted to talk to him and he would drive in.

My first thought? GREAT! Here is God's Hand all over this. If you had talked to that person, maybe you would have been their person and been offered the job. But you had not even seen what these other interviews may have been. So, this person was not there to give you a chance to see what else is there - and to trust God's plan for you. Take time and be patient.

Then the devil tried to push in. Well.....maybe this was just a blowoff. Maybe they wanted to get rid of you and this is how they did it. Geez - this doesn't make sense. Then I talked to Greg's sister Alicia and she told me "Michelle, if they did not want him there they would have just let him go. They would not have asked him to come back." I guess she is right. But, for now and always, I will trust in the Lord.

Right now, Greg is on his way to Temperance (by Ohio) for another interview. And later this afternoon, he has another interview via the phone. On Monday, he has another interview - this one is in Auburn Hills. God has certainly been blessing us in the interview department. Maybe a job will come from one of these. Or maybe these are practices for what is to come. Whatever the case, we will praise the Lord and carry on.

Now for what went from good to not-so-good. The unemployment. Yesterday we got a re-determination letter in the mail. We thought this was the "approval". But it is not. It just says we "can" get the benefits. Greg's case is still being adjudicated because for whatever reason (uh-huh), he was coded as a "voluntary quit" - which we all know is totally false. Oh well, praise the Lord and carry on, right? ABSOLUTELY. It will come when it is supposed to.

I also turned in additional paperwork to the DHS yesterday to continue with the filing of our claim there. This morning I was very confused again as to whether or not we should actually be filing the claim. I prayed about it, then talked to Greg. Greg said that it would be much easier to call them and say "We got a job", than to wait for the claim to be filed. I guess that is true. I just want to do what is right and I do not want to take benefits away from someone who needs them more than I do. Ugh. This is such a difficult thing.

I have to go shower now. I am going to apply for a job today. Substitute food service worker at the schools. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Here's my thought pattern. Lunch lady is my dream job - work only when the kids are at school, have all the same days off as the kids, home before they get home. So, if I can get my foot in the door now as a substitute, by the time Grant is in school I should (maybe) be able to get a position doing my dream job. I think it is neat and hilarious all at the same time. I truly think that this is a gift from God that just yesterday in the paper there was a call for these substitutes. Things that make you go hmmmmm? Nope - thank you Lord for providing in advance. I love that God loves me so much to give me a gift like this. And that is just what I think it is - a gift.

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