Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Friend Named Rozalyn

Today I met a neat lady. Her name is Rozalyn. She is a preacher's wife and an excellent upholsterer. But wait - let me start from the beginning.

Last night I did not sleep well. Some time during the night I was awakened to Greg yelling "Satan!" and then murmuring something else. I woke him up and asked him what he was dreaming about. He told me that he was somewhere with the kids and there was another kid that had satan in him and Greg was calling him out of the kid and trying to get him into himself. He said he figured he could jump off a cliff if he got satan into himself - trying to save the kids. Woah. Then when I woke up I had a heavy feeling of "yuk". The words I kept thinking were spiritual warfare. I decided to go for a walk to try and clear my head. After I got back from the walk I got a phone call from a new friend from church asking me if I wanted to meet up at the church and talk/pray. I jumped at the chance given all I had been feeling. At noon I met Karen and we went to pick up some cushions for the prayer room that she is setting up at the church. That is how I ended up at Rozalyn's house.

We entered into Rozalyn's house and I really didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. That is, until we got to the basement. As soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs, it was as if I was transported to another place. She had an entire upholstery shop set up in her basement - it was so cool!! So for a few moments we ooohhh'd and aaahhh'd over her stuff and then over her ability and the cushions she made. But then we got to the good stuff. We started talking, and the conversation was focused on spiritual warfare. Oh my goodness! I was supposed to be here at this moment. Isn't it cool how God works EVERYTHING out for His good purpose? I so love Him for that!! And Rozalyn is a woman of God. She had quite a bit to say that I needed to hear. In fact, Karen and I left there promising Rozalyn that we would get together with her again real soon to talk some more. I am so excited to talk with her some more!!! It is so neat how God places specific people in your life at just the perfect time for whatever the situation.

As we were leaving though, I noticed the upstairs of Rozalyn's house. It was filled with beautiful, ornate furniture that she had upholstered herself. It was beautiful. I told Karen I wanted to sit on one of Rozalyn's beautiful couches, sip coffee, and talk with her. I look forward to going back - real soon!

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