Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Target & Music Class

I love my kids! They are so interesting. We went to Target after school today (to get some jelly beans for our movie night, of course). While we were there, we passed by one of the first grade teachers from their school. Jacob looked at me as if to say "Look Mom! She shops!?!?! And at OUR store." I explained to him that yes teachers do shop after school. Then as we were checking out a kindergarten teacher from their school walked in and Grace looked shocked. She said "Look Mom...LOOK Mom! It's Mrs. Lindahl. She is HERE." I think they think WE are the only ones who shop at Target (except for those few other people who are always there - you know who you are).

Monday I went to *music* class with Grace and today I went with Jacob. How much fun! They sang and showed the parents all the ways they learn music. Then we had to join in a do the *funny* dances. It was neat to see the difference in my own kids. Grace sang as loud (and in tune) as she could and was very animated in her arm motions. Jacob....well, I think he would have rather been under a rock than in that class. He was probably thinking *it is bad enough that they make me sing, but to make me do it in front of all these people is ridiculous*. He did it, but made sure he didn't look like he was doing it. You had to watch him very closely to see what he was doing.

Ahhhhh....they are so great!!!! I sure do love them!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so fun, Michelle. Remember Jake in choir? He wanted no part of it at first. But, with a little coaxing and a lot of love, he realy sang out. I love that kid. Oh wait, I love all your kids!
