Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 3 & Day 4

Day 3 was a pretty good one until I talked to Greg. I mean, I love the guy desperately, but what a downer! OK - not really, but kind of. Is any of this making any sense to you? No? Me either. We (mostly he) are trying to just get this all figured out. EVERYTHING is such a drastic change from what we are used to. So, God is certainly teaching us - we just keep asking WHAT?!?

Today, Day 4, is just another day ~ closer to him coming home! Grace was upset this morning. She told me that she "doesn't have any friends". Truly - I find it hard to believe based on who she really is BUT I think back to my years in school and remember that I really didn't have friends myself and that makes me sad. I am trying to talk her through this but for crying out loud - she is only in kindergarten!!! Are the kids this bad this soon? Or is my precious princess too sensitive? I know - spoken like the mother, but what can I say? I AM THE MOTHER!!! So, now is the time. I am soliciting advice....what do I say? What do I do?

I guess, as with EVERYTHING in my life, I need to commit this situation to my Lord. I am getting to the point where I am not going to have time to do anything other than pray all day ~ which is not so bad, except when my kids start to stink and starve.

That's all for now....Jadyn is laying on top of a blanket...which is on top of Grant, so I guess I better go. Until later.....

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