Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Psalm 23

Last Wednesday Grace had to learn the 23rd Psalm for Awana. It was also Parent's Night, so I was in the class. I helped Grace work on her verses but then her time came to say it to her teacher's helper. I sat there nervous for her but she belted it right out - with no helps. I was so proud of her!! And I told her so. The lady she said her verses to was also surprised at the magnitude of verse for a 2nd grader. Apparently, she was also impressed with Grace's ability to memorize it (clearly she was not the only one to memorize this, but she was the first for this lady), because she told her 4th grade daughter about this little girl who memorized this long Scripture. I know this because she told me this tonight. She also told me about her conversation with Grace about it. In the car on the way home Grace also told me the conversation. It went something like this:

Lady: I was so impressed with your verses last week. I went right home and told my 4th grade daughter about how many verses you memorized.
Grace: Really?
L: Yes, that was so cool.
G: That's what my mom said. She is so proud of me!

Yes, I was and still am proud of her accomplishment! I absolutely LOVE that she knows I am proud of her!!! Love it, love it, love it!!!!!

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