Monday, October 18, 2010

Abundant Life

I was talking recently with an older family member. He was telling me that his friend was reminding him that "they were at the end of the trail" in life. That his friend has recently bought his "last car" and his "last sofa". I gently slipped in that this was a great time to really get to know the Lord. He looked down, eyes slightly wet with tears (whether it was from realizing the "end of the trail" or his desperate need for his Savior, I do not know), and said to me, "I still have some living to do. I am not ready to meet Him yet." I was stunned.

I woke up this morning thinking about that conversation. I was (and still am) very sad over this. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came "that they may have life, and have it to the full." Imagine the life and the living yet to be done, while living a life humbled and submitted to Christ Jesus. Worse yet, imagine the ramifications of NOT living a life submitted to Christ. Hell is real for sure - it is not something made up. And God gives us opportunities to turn from our sinful ways and turn to Him. Yet, many (even in my own family) keep turning their backs on Him. Know the good news? He will not turn His back on long as they are breathing. Once you have stopped breathing, you cannot choose Christ anymore. And...sadly.....if you have not chosen Christ, your eternal reward is separation from God (unthinkable).

Precious, patient, loving Heavenly Father, please change the hearts of my family members. Please help them to feel your Presence and know that it is You alone that they need. That their life could be lived to the fullest in the midst of Your Presence. Lord, hear my cries. Change their hearts!!!!

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