Thursday, December 3, 2009


Some random things that have been happening:

I asked Jacob if he had a girlfriend and he adamantly said "No!" Then he thought about it and said that his girlfriend was grandma. then he said "Wait. I have two. The other one is Jadyn." Interesting, but he has always shown preference for Jadyn over Grace - I think it is because Jadyn is still a baby to him and it is OK to like a baby sister, not a sister that is close in age to you. A few minutes later he said, under his breath, " I really have three. The other one is m-o-m (spelled out)." I guess he has all the ladies - at least in our family.

On any given morning there are bound to be screams of torture coming from my girls room. This is a special time we like to call "the brushing of the hair". I really do try to be careful and hold the hair tight above where I am brushing, so as not to pull it. I brushed my own hair the way I was brushing theirs and decided I did not like it, so I am now VERY careful when doing theirs. I was brushing Jadyn's hair and she was screaming. I think it had more to do with her not feeling well than it did me brushing her hair - but nevertheless, she was crying. Grant "kneed" (his new way of half walking, half crawling) his way over to her and wrapped his little arms around her and hugged her, all while saying "cry, cry". It was absolutely precious!!! He was showing empathy - I was impressed.

Last night we finally freed one of Grace's 2 wiggly teeth. We went through the process of carefully placing it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. This morning (at 5:30am) I was awoken by both girls showing me what the tooth fairy left. Then Jadyn said "The tooth fairy left US some gum and money." US? I mean the girls share a bed, but it was Grace's tooth. When I explained that to Jadyn, she left the room screaming, saying it was not fair. A few minutes later, she came back in and said "Mom, my tooth is wiggly, too. See?" Well, no, I could not see as it was 5:30am and given that you are only 3 years old, I am thinking that it is not wiggly yet. That is, unless you just went in your room and banged it on something. I would not put this past her - bless her heart.

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