Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Secret is Out....

We decided to tell the kids last night that we would eventually be moving. So Greg started telling them over dinner. Once he got to the part about us actually moving, Jacob stood up on his chair, hands on hips, face and neck sticking out and proclaimed, "Not until I have finished 4th grade!" Tells you a lot about them mindset of a 6 year old. He knows that his school only goes to 4th grade, so after he is done with that, we can have his blessing to move. Funny, huh? This morning I was explaining to him that "school" goes through 12 grades, not just 4....then there's college. Then there is Grace....she was mostly concerned with what would happen at school. She did start her talk by telling us that she knew how to make friends. "I just say, 'Hi! My name is Grace. Do you want to be friends?'" Isn't she smart? Then she wanted to know what classroom number she would be in, whether they have indoor or outdoor recess, if her teacher would be nice, if the kids who lived around us came out of their houses (otherwise how would she meet them?), and on and on and on.... I did tell them that they could ask ANY questions they had about any of this. Grace, of course, took full advantage of this. That's my girl! And, as would be expected, Jadyn and Grant could care less. They all seemed to take it pretty well, but I don't think they REALLY understand the idea of moving. Jacob also told us that if he had to move he wanted to move to Florida, so he could go on rollercoaster rides. I think as we get closer to actually going away they may have more difficulty. But I am praying that it is a smooth transition for all of us!!

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