Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Doctor's Appointment

Grant is sick. I called the doctor this morning, while on my way to drop off my van (see post "Another Boring Saturday"). I explained to the person on the phone that I needed an appointment for my sick child. She asked if I could come at 12:00 - to which I replied that I had another appointment (with LESA for Grant) at 12:30. So she *smartly* asked me if I could do 11:45. Huh? Was she even listening to me? She told me that was all they had. I asked "that's all the sick appts you have for the WHOLE day?" She told me they had afterschool appts but didn't have to fill them up right away. Does ANY of this make sense? No? I didn't think so either. Anyway, she finally allowed me to have an appt at 2:30 - I said great. Then she asked what the appt was for. I told her that Grant was having trouble breathing, was very congested and threw up when I fed him. Then (in her infinite smartness) she asked "Do you think you should wait until 2:30 if he is having trouble breathing?" WHAT?!?!?!? Lady - I just asked you for an earlier appt to which you replied you had none. Actually I said (and I quote) "Do I have a choice? You just told me that there were NO earlier appointments." So she said she would ask the doctor if she could double-book, got the OK and told me to come right in. Now after all that...could I really tell her that I had to go drop my van off first? So I told her I would be right in after my kids got to school. Which wasn't REALLY a lie. I was getting there after my kids GOT to school - I just left out that I was not taking them (they were riding the bus).

So I got there...but only after Grant pooped while I was waiting for the rental and there was NO PLACE to change him in that rotten body shop. So we came in stinking...then Jadyn (who is 99.8% potty-trained) had to go to the bathroom. Now, picture this if you will...I have a rental car which means no stroller, no Bjorn, nothing to sit my child in. The bathroom at the doctor's office (yes, the pediatrician) does not have a changing station in it. And NO ONE wants to hold my *stinky* baby. So into the bathroom we go...Jadyn, Grant and I. Of course I cannot put him on the floor - are you crazy? So holding Grant in my left arm, I carefully line the seat with TP, pull Jadyn's pant and panties down, one side at a time, then lift her to the throne for her to do her business. Then I have to get the TP, wipe her, get her down, and try to pull her pants UP with only one hand. Not nearly as easy as getting them down, let me tell you. So we get them up and wash her hands...and as we exit the bathroom....I think to myself....I have done it! I am "SUPERMOM"!!!! I really accomplished that task!!! Yay me!!!! (Thank you Lord!)

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