Monday, January 16, 2012

Visiting with Tom

Last night Tom came over. He was working on my laptop and Jacob (age 9) popped over to him and asked, "Hey Tom, have you seen my 'berries'?" Tom's head popped up and he looked at me, as if to say "What?!?!" That was exactly, what I was thinking. All of a sudden Jacob ran away and then ran back. He was holding in his had his Barry Sanders football cards. Oh. Those were the "barrys" he was talking about. Good thing.

As Tom continued to work on my computer, Jadyn (age 5) came over and sat next to me. Shortly she was laying across my lap with her head on Tom's shoulder. Then she asked Tom if he needed her help. She said, "You just have to "X" out of that." I guess she is learning some stuff in computer class at school.

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