Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Can't Keep It a Secret Anymore

So we got an offer to lease our house this past Sunday. We (and by we, I mean me) freaked out..called everyone I could think of that may be able to give us advice on this type of situation....freaked out some more...then prayed. What a dummy I am! Why not pray first, you ask? Yeah, me too! Why do I always do what I am not supposed to do, and not do what I am supposed to do? Do I sound like someone? OK - I was trying to...but the the message is so true...DON'T BE A DUMMY!!!! Anyway, I prayed that God would "slam the door shut if this was the wrong thing...even if my toes were in the door." So, when we told them their offer wasn't going to work, they said "sorry" and hung up on our realtor. If that is not an IMMEDIATE answer to my EXACT prayer, I don't know what is.

GOD IS SO AMAZINGLY GREAT!!!! Even when He does NOT immediately answer prayers. Even if He NEVER answers the prayer.

I know I have to keep trusting Him. I know I have to stop wallowing in self-pity and doubt. I know all this. I know I know it! So why am I not doing it?

LET GO OF IT, MICHELLE. Let God carry this burden that is too heavy for you! LET GO!!! His yoke is easy and His burden is light (RIGHT, GIRLS???)

Praise you, Lord!!!! Praise You!!

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