Thursday, April 16, 2020

4/16/2020 - Day 35 in Quarantine

Yesterday there was a protest staged in Lansing called "Operation Gridlock", where people opposed to the Governor's extreme Executive Orders were driving past the capitol on all roads leading into and out of Lansing. While I totally support what they were doing, because in my opinion they are correct, some of the people were stupid and got out of their cars and congregated in ways that are inappropriate (now). Social distancing was not observed by these people. So, a select few, once again, made the masses look bad. It is so frustrating. 

Anyway, I made public my support of the protesting of the extremism on my facebook page, and man - was I bashed. People really are so narrow minded sometimes. My support of the protest does NOT mean that I think we should all go back to how things were, all go back to work, stop social distancing, do whatever the heck we want......NO WAY!!! We are still combating a virus and there are many people sick and dying from it. But the backlash I received was because I stated truth. I said that we are not getting the full information The media and the press conferences are ONLY giving us the negative - how many cases, how many people died....How about telling how many people recovered? Because that number is staggeringly higher that the number of the dead. But no - can't tell you that because that would drive down your hysteria and we want the public to be crazy paranoid. Locked in their houses, hoarding all kinds of things, relying on the government to tell us the next time we can breathe and go to the bathroom. You get my drift. So there's that. 

Then, the other truth I mentioned was the people are always dying. I also prefaced it with I am very saddened for anyone who has lost a loved one to this virus, but I am also saddened for people who have lost loved ones to drug overdose, cancer, shotgun wounds, simple accidents, etc. The truth is - people die. Every day. We will all face this reality. And it is almost like some want to pretend that doesn't exist either. 

I social distance. 
I have only shopped 2x - for Easter and Jacob's birthday.
I walk at the park everyday - socially distanced. 
If I, or anyone in my household, were sick, we would NOT be around anyone. We still aren't. 
I am not doing anything I should not be doing - by way of the Governor's Executive Order. 
I just don't agree with the overreaching, overstepping of boundaries that our Governor has blanketed our state with. There is absolutely no reason why in the UP and Northern Michigan landscapers cannot be working. I suppose I am taking this seriously because it affects my brother. I know it affects many more - hence "Operation Gridlock" yesterday. People were just mad because instead of making a common sense ruling, she just covered the whole state with the order. I was sent this letter from joint forces of Sheriffs in Northern Michigan, stating that they are NOT enforcing the Governor's EO, but rather using common sense in each situation. YES! Most people are responsible - but again - it is the select few that ruin it for the masses. Why punish the masses for the select few? It's the same thing I see working in the school. Instead of grabbing the bull by the horns, and handling the immediate situation, we pussy-foot around and punish the masses for the few. Irritating, but I digress. 

Long story, short.... (kind of)...I will continue to social distance. I will continue to pray for those on the front lines who are putting their lives on the line every day. I will continue to shop (or rather - send Greg to shop) only when it is necessary. I will continue to be responsible and help my neighbors and community when I can. But I will not roll over and take domination of my life by the government. Nor will I accept the disrespect of those who don't want to believe the truth. 

Rant over. 

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