Monday, April 13, 2020

3/31/2020 - Day 19 in Quarantine

You know it’s bad when you hear the garbage truck and mistake it for a school bus. Then you get excited about that. Then you look at the clock and see it is 10:41am and what school bus comes through your neighborhood then? Or ever.....anymore? #iwantschoolback

As the executive orders from our governor keep coming our and changing, these were my thoughts.

So what are we supposed to do? What does the order actually say? Can I go on a walk or not? Can we be outside or not? Stay at home and shelter in place is NOT the same thing as stay inside but go out and get exercise. Help? I drive my car to the park to walk - is this allowed? Should I be? I don’t want to break the rules or hurt anyone - that includes my husband and children if I have to stay in the house with them all day, every day.

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