Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where Do I Put My Confidence?

I was reading in Psalm 118 this morning and was challenged to think about where I put my confidence. I know I put it in the coffee pot each morning. I trust it will work every morning. I also put confidence in the hot water heater, that when I turn on the shower I will get hot water. And on and on the list could go, I put that level of confidence in God. I even asked Greg (as he was turning on the TV and trusting that the remote would work) if he trusted God as much as he trusted the remote. I mean to that level. The level of "knowing" it without "thinking" about it. Know what I mean? It is automatic. I don't say, when turning on the shower, "Oh, I sure hope hot water comes out." I just trust that it does, right? Do I put THAT level of trust in God? I know I say I do, but do I really? If I was honest (which I hope I am), the answer is no. Forgive me LORD. Sometimes when I pray, I pray over and over, in hopes that my incessant prayer will drive the LORD crazy and He will answer me. (OK this is not what I actually think, but it is certainly what my actions make it look like) I don't pray and completely trust, without thinking, often enough. Please forgive me LORD.

So the challenge is out......Do YOU trust in the LORD more than anything else? More than the coffee pot, or the hot water, or the remote? Think about it. It is VERY sobering. I know I have so much more work to do. Help me LORD.

Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.

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