Friday, March 5, 2010


I was talking with Jadyn this afternoon, after she got up from her nap. I was asking her who loved her the most, to which she answered, "You!" And I told her she was right - no one loved her like I do. Then I thought a minute and said, "Well, there is only One person who loves you more than I do." She said, "Dad?" "No, someone bigger than Dad," I told her. "Bampa (Grandpa)?" she asked. True, although since she has last seen him I believe he has lost a lot of weight and is probably smaller than her Dad now. "No," I said, "Someone who is here even though you can't see Him." Again she asked, "Bampa?" I love how her mind works. Again true, but not where I was headed. I explained that I was speaking about God - He is the Only One Who will ever love her more than me.

As I am typing this, she is working diligently on her letters next to me. So I had to take a picture. She did not even look up to pose.....she loves to do this and is a very hard worker when it comes to her letters.

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