Monday, March 29, 2010

I am lecturing Greg on the fact that perfection is not attainable. The sooner he realizes this the better and easier his life will be. I mean, it has made all difference in my life. Well...that and trusting God in ALL situations.

It was cool for me to hear from a girl in my Bible study that she has been using my story of how God answered my prayer about dinner. I am not sure if I blogged about that or not. If I didn't, I should have. Let me check. I is "Answered Prayer" - fitting. Anyway, this girl in my Bible study just told me the other day that she has used this story to talk to people about trusting God. How cool is that?

We have a HUGE surprise happening tomorrow. So far, we have been able to keep it a secret, but it is killing me. Tomorrow Krystel and her boys are coming here via train. Last week we were home and Krystel and her boys came downstate at the end of our stay, so Jacob was only able to see Spencer for one day. He was kinda bummed about it. But we (Krystel and I) knew all along that they would get a bunch more days here. They are coming tomorrow and staying until Saturday - I am even letting my kids play hookie for one of the days!! So tomorrow night we are taking the kids to the train station to watch the train come in - you know, just for fun. Greg asked me how we were going to do it and I reminded him that HE was their dad. That means they are used to randomly getting in the van and going to obscure places at weird times. It will be great! I am almost out of my skin with eager anticipation. I know that my kids will be crazy happy too. That is what I love the best!!!! I can't wait to see their faces!!!

BTW - we got a "new" van tonight. A 2005 Grand Caravan SXT - blue in color. It is going to be great. It is a huge blessing and you know what it makes us???? DEBT FREE Baby! Woo hoo!!!!

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