Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Self-Absorbed Wife & Mother

Have I told you lately how great my husband is? Better yet, have I told HIM how great he is? The answer to that question is a resounding no. Why? Good question. The answer can be found in the title to this post - I am a self-absorbed person. I have been so consumed with my emotional needs, my need to be coddled, my need to have my ego stroked that I have neglected what I am "called" to be. A loving, supportive, quiet wife and mother. My reward may not be here. Clearly, my husband and kids are certainly one of life's greatest rewards - but that is not what I am talking about. I am called to love and serve because they (and all people) are created in God's image and are worth caring about, not because I want to or don't want to or don't feel I am getting anything out of it. I am to do it because that is what Christ would do. THAT is what I am to aspire to be. The point is, I have a husband who, even though I feel I have to yell at him to get my point through, is more mature than me and shows it by rising above his "feelings" and doing what needs to be done - even if he doesn't "feel" like it. This morning he made me a cup of coffee and delivered it to me saying "a cup of coffee for the world's greatest mommy". Even though we both knew that was not the truth - he knew I needed to hear it. I love him for doing that for me. I need to rise to that level. I need to not be so self-absorbed. I need to care like Christ would. Lord Jesus, please help me - I am not brave enough to do it myself.

1 comment:

  1. This was a beautiful post - just perfect.
    Thanks for sharing -it was just what I was thinking about - and needed to read . . .
    <3 Jeanette
