Saturday, February 2, 2013

Difficult Neighbor Relations

Jacob and Grace went out to make some money this morning. They headed out with their shovels to see whose driveway they could clean off. Before they came home, they had done 3 driveways. On the way to the 3rd one, the neighbor girl caught up with them and decided to join their company, although Jacob and Grace did not want her to go with them. They all went to the 3rd house where the sweet lady there paid them each $5 to do her driveway. On the way back, Jacob talked to another neighbor who told him he could do his driveway but to come back later to do it. So the kids came in the house and that money was burning a hole in Jacob's pocket faster than he could make it. He asked if I could take him to Target to buy some basketball cards. Being the completely indulgent mom that I am, we went. But only because I still had Greg's birthday present to buy. While we were gone, Grace went to the neighbor girl's house to help her shovel her own driveway. Greg told Grace that she was not allowed to leave their house. While they were shoveling, the man (from earlier) came outside and the neighbor girl ran up to him and asked if they could do his driveway now. He said yes, and she went to work. Grace, remembering that she was not supposed to leave the girl's house, stayed and kept shoveling her driveway. So the man paid the neighbor girl and she and Grace came back into our house. The girl pulled out the money and said she got paid. When the kids heard about this, it started some discussion. Greg and I got involved and told the neighbor girl that what she did was not being a friend and was not nice. She then took the money and threw it at Greg and walked out of our house. We continued talking to our kids about the situation, and decided that the neighbor should get $5 because she did the work, Grace should get $3 because she shoveled the neighbor girl's driveway (because she couldn't leave) and Jacob should get $2 because he drummed up the business. Grace ran out to give the girl the money and she responded with "that is crap." Shortly thereafter, I received a text from the girl's mom (our hearing impaired neighbor). We texted back and forth about the girl's behavior. I realized that the mom only knew part of the story. We continued texting, then the girl brought Grace an apology letter (that was not very nice at all). I told the mom that I would not allow the girl to be disrespectful to Greg or I, and she was not going to be allowed to take advantage of my kids. Later on, we were all sitting down to watch a movie, when the doorbell rang. No one wanted to get it. Greg answered it and told me it was for me. It was the girl's mom. She was bringing over a container of cupcakes. This whole situation really has me confused. I feel for the poor girl because, basically, she is raising herself. I want to help the mom because she needs the help and she is handicapped. I don't think I mentioned that I watch the girl 2 nights a week while the mom teaches a sign language class. I am frustrated with the kid's disrespectful behavior and her story telling (which has both Greg and I worried - what happens when she tells stories about us?) I want to help and I feel that I am supposed to, but this is a very awkward situation. I guess I should spend more time seeking the LORD's will in this, than I spend typing about it here. I think I have said enough.

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