Monday, July 30, 2012


Clearly, our country is in a drought. We need rain.

However, so do I. If you know me, you know I LOVE rain! I am in need of rain. Last week, it was raining like crazy at my sister's house in Charlevoix. I went up there - and the rain stopped.....there, but it started here. When I was there, I heard the rain. Every night as I lay in bed, I heard the rain in the ceiling fan.

This morning I heard the rain in my dryer. This is crazy, I need rain.

I am also in another type of drought, although this one is self-induced. I need God. I need His Presence. I need to be deliberate about my time with Him. I have been so busy.....that my time with the LORD has gone to the wayside. My Aunt Kathy always said, "If the devil can't make you bad, he can make you busy." That is the truth.

So what I need is a day of thunderstorms and downpour. A day to sit with my Bible, my LORD and a cup of coffee. A day to jumpstart me back to where I NEED to be.

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