Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sacrifice in the Name of Love

I was reading this morning in Philippians (Ch 2) and Paul was writing about sending a messenger back to the Philippians. This man brought money and help to Paul while he was in Rome, but then became sick and longed to be home. Paul was finally sending him back and finished speaking of him with these words,

So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ. He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me. (vs 29-30)

To make up for the help you could not give me? Could not, or would not? What about us? Obviously, this is talking about missionary work (taking the gospel of Christ to those who have not heard), but I was thinking about it differently.

Yesterday, my plans changed because my friend's husband was in the hospital. I took her lunch and sat with her. To some, this would appear as a sacrifice, but to me, it was not. I love my friend and I WANTED to be with her. I wanted to support her and care for her.

Then as I was thinking about this this morning, I realized there was another sacrificial love taking place. My parents. Of course. I am so truly blessed. They had already kept my kiddos overnight, but when I called to tell them I needed to go to the hospital, there was no complaining or grumbling. There were words of encouragement and telling me not to worry about the kids and to take the time I needed. There is sacrificial love. Oh, I know that my parents love my kids (and me) and would do anything to help. But Grandpa is always caring for one of my kids (Grant) and Grandma just got off working all trust me....there was sacrifice involved. But, and here's the point......I don't think they looked at it that way. Same as me with my friend. They love me and my kids, and would just do anything to help. Even if it messed up whatever they had planned for the day.

THAT is what I mean by sacrificial love. You sacrifice your plans for the sake of someone else, but because you love them, it is not really a sacrifice it is what you WANT to do. Does that sound like anyone else? Especially coming off Easter....His name is Jesus. And He sacrificed because He loves you.

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