Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Recent Happenings

Never a dull moment around here. Last night Grandma called me and said she was coming over to get Grant to spend the night. I obediently obliged, got him out of bed and started packing his stuff, then I thought.....what the heck? Doesn't she even have to ask me? I mean I always had to ask for things when I was not the adult, but now here I am the adult and my own mother is not even asking MY permission to take my kid. Overnight. Oh well...I quickly got over that (because she bribed me with mint chocolate brownie ice cream) and was so thankful to have parents who WANT my kids overnight. It also really helped me out for this morning. Grant was more than thrilled to go. He got to go to a "nut farm" with Grandma and Grandpa. And if you know Grant, you might think he took THEM there, but it was vice versa. My aunt and uncle recently purchased a nut farm and my parents were going out to deliver some equipment and check it out. Grant got to go too. Apparently while he was there, he was some sort of big shot. He talked with the "big kids" (my cousins), shook Phillip's hand and told me about the other girl (my cousin) who "ate a bug". When I asked him about the bug eating he told me that "she didn't do this" (putting his hand over his mouth). What that meant was that while they were on the golf cart, she was talking without covering her mouth and a bug went in. He said this as if it was just everyday common knowledge. I guess for him it is. He spends almost everyday on some sort of equipment. Later in the day, he told Phillip that he knew how to use the chainsaw. You just turn this and pull this and then you can cut. Seriously? The kids is 3 years old. I guess I shouldn't mention that he can drive - blinkers and all. Geez.

A short while ago I received a phone call from the mom of one of the players on Jacob's basketball team. She asked if she could come over and give Grant a present. I thought it was weird, but she is a very nice lady and well, what the heck. When she got here, she had a hooded baseball sweatshirt for Grant. She said it was too small for her youngest son and her husband thought Grant HAD to have something to wear to Jacob's baseball games. That was because Grant was the unofficial mascot for Jacob's basketball team. He ALWAYS had a basketball jersey and shorts on, his basketball shoes and a warm up suit. He was one of the big guys. He still thinks he is. Every time Jacob gets ready for baseball practice, Grant goes and changes his clothes and says he is ready for his baseball game.

As I was lying in bed with the girls, our conversation turned to Grace's upcoming field trip. I asked her who she wanted to take (obviously sure that she would pick me). First she said Dad (Greg). What? I told her he couldn't go because he had work and he was already going on a field trip with Jacob. Then she suggested Grandma. WHAT??? What about Mom??? Hello??? Can you see me??? She asked to call Grandma, so we did and she asked and Grandma said yes (of course). Then Grandpa said he wanted to go and THAT made Grace even more excited. Now she had both of her grandparents going on the field trip. I started playing sad. Jadyn (the lover of the bunch) crawled onto me and told me SHE would pick me for her field trip. It would go "Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa...." What about just taking Mom. Really....where am I going wrong. The straw that broke the camel's back was I was leaving the girl's room Grace says, "Don't take this the wrong way, Mom, but you are old news. Grandma is NEW news." The wrong way? I mean, is there a RIGHT way to take that? THANKS Grace. Thanks a lot.

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