Monday, July 30, 2018


The Bible says that faith is "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

The internet give definitions of faith as "complete trust or confidence in someone or something" and "strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof." So then we check the definition of apprehension to find it described as, "anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen" and "understanding; grasp". My thought on the usage of the word apprehension in the internet definition of faith is that it is the second description - understanding; grasp. So faith could be described as complete trust or confidence in God and/or a strong belief in God based on spiritual understanding.

Which one looks easier? I's not always about easier, but the Bible does make this MUCH MORE CLEAR. Faith is being confident of what we are hoping for - NOT that God is our magic genie - but that he takes care of us and provides for us. Faith is assurance in what we do not see. That means trusting, even when things "don't look good".

Faith is something I have been struggling with. Not my faith in who God is or what He has done. But rather, faith in His provision. I have been self-reliant on myself and Greg for providing for our family. That if we "just" do this or that, we will be fine - not even inviting God into the situation. So you was me that moved....NOT God.

Now, with Greg's work life being "shook up", I am being reminded that faith is required. Daily. Give us this day our daily bread......Faith in God's provision. Faith that God alone provides. That He has a plan....and IT IS PERFECT. So, I was reading the Bible this morning and read in Mark 2 about the 4 friends that had faith that Jesus could heal their paralyzed friend. They stopped at nothing to help their friend. When they lowered their friend through the roof (so that Jesus could heal him), JESUS SAW THEIR FAITH. It made me question....does Jesus see MY faith?? The obvious answer (to me) is a resounding no. I was having faith in myself and Greg. I was having faith in the jobs. I was having faith in everything except what I should have been having faith in. And that is GOD ALONE.

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