Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A Vist to Chuck and Micki's

Uncle Chuck and Aunt Micki are my mom's aunt and uncle - making them my GREATs and my kiddos GREAT-GREATs. So, it was definitely a neat experience to have all the kids go hang out at their house for a day. I was a nervous wreck (the kids will definitely tell you) because taking 13 kids to the GREAT-GREATs house is well....nerve-wracking. I didn't want them to fight, or be stupid, or break anything. I wanted them to be perfect. Right?? Totally acceptable? I know, I know. But, they were awesome. They (mostly) behaved very well. They had a ton of fun tubing, paddle boarding and kayaking...and doing LOTS of eating. It was a fun day and we were blessed to have Uncle Chuck and Aunt Micki shared their home and toys with us. It was a nice break from the pool too. Despite the lovely day, I'm sure they were glad to see us go....just so they could rest and relax a bit!!!

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