Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40!!

Oh man! Today I turned 40! It was WAY better than turning 30. For whatever reason, when I turned 30 I was kinda depressed. No real reason. Maybe I had realized that I was growing up. Turning 40 is just another number. Just another step in the growing process. I had a birthday morning with my family, as we were going to knee deep in baseball during the evening. My kids and Greg sang to me. All except Grant, who according to him, was too tired to sing at 6:30 in the morning and he decided to hum. I got to vote today, then go to work. At school (work) I had 3 separate parties, including one surprise party!! My momma came and brought me coffee and a scone. And......it rained ALL DAY! Not only is that my most favorite type of weather (a birthday gift from God), but it allowed for the baseball game to be cancelled. Which allowed me to spend some quality time with my "peeps" at Costco. Yes. That is where my family took me for my birthday dinner. And heck, I wouldn't care if we ate cow pies in a field.....as long as I was with them, I am a happy camper. This picture was taken today. Grace is strong enough to hold her mother. And her mother is not light.

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