Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just a Quick Note....

Another baseball game tonight. Another triple for Jacob. And another run scored by our sweet autistic friend on the team. He was so excited tonight! He came us to another mom and me and asked us if we saw it. Oh yes we did, E. We sure did! (PS - Great job, Jacob. You make your mom and dad so proud.)

Oh geez......I forgot I wanted to post this too. I was checking my email this afternoon and I found an email from Greg, written to Jacob today. I will post it below. Brought tears to my eyes.


I just wanted to let you know that I’m so proud of you.  You are a very good Christian boy (turning into young man).  You are so polite and you don’t bring glory to yourself (your humble).  You are an excellent athlete who God has blessed with great hand and eye coordination and it shows in your basketball and baseball skills.  It is a true pleasure to watch you play, I know I and your mom just love to watch you play (and have fun).    Keep up the great work on the field and in school (your grades are great) If you do this the rest will follow in your future. 

Between you and me, we’ve seen all the pitchers pitch and God has blessed you with the maturity of player many years your age.  I loved to watch you smile on the field yesterday when talking to the players after plays, that is what the game is all about.

I love you,


PS (your mom loves you too)

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