Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of November 6, 2011

There is a turkey farm near our house and I was telling the kids on the way to school about how they are fattening the turkeys up for Thanksgiving dinner. On the way back, as we drove by again, Grant asked me if "those were the chickens the kids would eat." I said that yes, they were the "turkeys" that people would eat. Then he asked me, "Who gets the head?" Stunned would have described me. What ever would cause him to think of that?

Later we were going to Grandma H's for a visit. I was explaining that Grandma would really appreciate a hug and a kiss. Grandmas REALLY like that kind of thing, you know. He said to me, "Hugging and kissing Grandma is.....ick." Silly boy. Despite how he felt, he was such a good boy on that trip and he loved Grandma up very much. I think she might have even had fun with us. We went to the bank, the gas station, out to lunch with Sue, to the bakery, to the doctor, to the Secretary of State, to the drug store and to the grocery store. We had a very full day. Thankfully, my children (Grant and Grandma) both behaved. I look forward to our next visit.

Last night we were on our way home from a birthday party and there was an accident. Right away Jadyn said, "Mom, we NEED to pray for those people." 5 years old! I love that she has a heart for others and even more, Jesus! On the heels of that, at Sunday school this morning we were talking about what has helped shape our faith and how we respond to trials. I explained to the class that seeing how my Grandma B. was and then how my mom sat at my Grandma's feet when BT died, and how they both gave that situation (that they could not control) over to the ONLY ONE who could do anything (our LORD GOD). To see their faith enacted like that was HUGE in developing my faith. But to speak that out loud and then think of it in context of Jadyn's comment last night, made me realize how important my job is as mom in developing and strengthening my children's faith. Can I do it for them? Absolutely not - because if I could I would. But I can certainly model it for them. And be there to support them in their trials. Be the Good LORD willing, I will!!!

The teeth are back....well maybe the build-up is back. We had a night of extreme hysteria tonight as I brushed Grace's teeth. The plaque is really building up on her bottom teeth and I have been allowing her to brush her own teeth because she promised me that she would do a good job. See? This is the EXACT reason I will not get a dog. A promise only lasts a couple of days. So, we are back to me brushing EVERYONE's teeth (well, not Greg's). Super.

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