Friday, June 10, 2011

The Guilt from a $1 Bill

Last night, about 3/4 of the way through the hot baseball game, Grandpa took Grace, Jadyn and Grant home. While they were waiting for us to get back to celebrate Grant's birthday, Grace took a shower and then bathed Grant and Jadyn. Grandpa was so impressed with her that he gave her $1. When I got home, she was very mopey. Grandma and I kept asking her what was wrong, to which she replied, nothing. Finally she relented and told Grandma what the problem was. She was riddled with guilt over taking the money from Grandpa. She remembered what I have told her about taking money from them. She is not supposed to - ever. And she was very perplexed. was more than that..because as she was going to bed she was hysterical and wanted me to drive her to Grandpa's house so she could give the money back. I am glad that her conscious is working and she knows the difference between good and bad, but this is crazy. I told her to relax and go to sleep. Poor girl ended up crying herself to sleep.

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