Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The ER Visit and Time to Think

I am sitting right now in the ER with Greg. We came because for the last couple of weeks he has had major pain in his lower abdomen. It has been a very interesting day. He had a CT scan, which led us to a diagnosis of diverticulitis. We have an excellent nurse, named Tammy, who was specialized in stomach (gastro/endo) issues. Thank you LORD! We had an excellent doctor, who although he was a little short, was very thorough. I have gotten much work accomplished while I sat here and waited between trips to the bathroom, carrying Greg's IV bag. We have had a very nice day and I am SO THANKFUL that all he has is diverticulitis, and not anything more serious. Praise Jesus! Greg cannot stop talking about a real estate auction he just learned about and is really driving me crazy, but through that we have realized all our other blessings. Greg is very blessed, and therefore, so am I. Let me explain:

-His job
-A boss that not only told him to leave, but also offered his sick/leave time to Greg
-Being in a vanpool and having the ability to get a rental car to drive home
-A job that has positioned him in a place to learn much - to help us and others
-Learning about unclaimed properties
-Ability to buy used state vehicles
-Real estate auctions

It is neat to see how God is lining things up. Like I told Greg....we need to trust God alone. We need to stop jumping to conclusions and START with prayer. If God wants us to go in a particular direction, he will lead us. We need to pray separately and come together and see what we are to do.

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