Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Boo-Boo

I had to take "Boo-Boo" to the doctor today. She is still having trouble with her ear - it looks like it is going to fall off. And is rotten and junky. So the doctor said it is a strain of strep, just like Jacob had on his butt and Grace had in her throat. How are we getting strep in such weird places? I might not want to know the answer to that question. So as we were leaving the doctor, Boo-Boo walked straight into the metal door frame and ended up with a nice welt on the side of her face. Oh glory! Then as we were driving home she told me she was thirsty for pop (which I had). I told her she could not have it and she said to me in her cute little 2 (almost 3) year old voice, "Please, Mom? I will be your best friend?" It almost made me want to give her my pop, but it certainly made me laugh! She is so darn cute!

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