Sunday, July 19, 2020

7/10/2020 - Jacob Goes Camping

Jacob went on his first camping trip without his parents (or any parents, sort of). He and his friend, Foster, were packing up and heading out. They were going to the lake to hang out on the beach and fish and then hang by the fire and sleep in their tent. What big boys they are!! So, being the excellent mother I am, I was watching him travel on Life360. I was so excited when I saw him stop at the Walmart that we always stop at for groceries when we go up north. I even screenshot it and sent it to Greg. I was proud that he was making sure he had food. Fast forward about 2 hours, and Jacob FaceTimes me. He has the BIGGEST smile I have ever seen on his face. I could see he was enjoying himself and I was ready to see the responsible things he had done. He flipped the screen and showed me the entire picnic table - not full of the groceries I thought he was getting - but full of baseball cards! Oh Jacob! You can't eat cards - but don't try telling him that. So anyway, they managed to go out to eat for every meal, of course, and also ended up having his friend's parents come up the next day with the boat so they could go tubing. Jacob did catch a nice fish, which he told me in a text that he "killed it. on accident." by ripping it's mouth when removing the hook. They also had a bunch of rain on Friday, so I got another text that just said "MacGyver" with a picture. They rigged up the bottom part of their tent to be a shade/rain cover. All in all, it was a great trip and I'm so glad he went!

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