Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Revelation

My Bible study on the book of Romans has been quite an experience for me. It (well, actually the devil) has made me question if, in fact, I was really saved. I wanted to draw here what I drew in my Bible study book, but am not technological enough to do it, so......I drew this in Word, printed it out, took a picture with my phone, emailed it to myself, saved it, and imported it into my blog for you to see. It is THAT important (and I guess I have some technological skills, right?)  These circles are the result of my Bible reading and spending time with God. The explanation for why I am still saved, even though I do the things I do not want to do and I do not do the things I want to do. Sounds like anyone? What a WRETCH I am!!!!Who can save me? Jesus - ONLY JESUS!

I have also thought about the comparison of the 2 circles. I love how God showed this to me in a way that was completely meaningful to me - being a momma! And I realize that these circles may not work for everyone. There are some people, who for reasons I do not know, choose to turn their backs on their children. The comparison here would not work for these people. However, what this would do is show those children that while their earthly parents failed them, their Heavenly Father will not turn his back on them. He loves them simply because they are His children. It is THAT simple.

Simple, in the most complex way - ever. But simple. God's love.

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