Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daily Review

God knows what is best for my husband and children - way better than I do. Yes, I know them well, but He is their Creator.

I need to accept Greg for who he is, whether I think he needs to change or not. He is not perfect and neither am I (did you hear that, Michelle?)

God is the One who can direct me in what and how to pray for my kiddos. Sometimes as a parent we can feel lost in everything that surrounds our kids. God alone can direct us in what we need to pray about and for. The biggest issue is that we pray. No matter what - PRAY!

These are the things I have learned today. Now - I need to practice them.

I have started a "job" with my sister and her friend (and some other people I do not know). But I work, entering data, each night from 8:30 until 10-11-12. I am noticing that my fingers are VERY cold. I don't think it is because it is cold in here, rather that my fingers are loosing circulation from repetition. Krystel said her hands get that way too (and she works 10 hours a day). I kind of like this work.

Scott came down last night and so we (Jadyn, Grant and I) went to breakfast this morning with Dad, Mom and Scott. That was nice. Then we ran some errands and I had to get back home to start the chicken noodle soup for Greg's mom and dad. Greg's mom had her gall bladder removed today. Praise the Lord they were able to do it laproscopically, and didn't have to give her the 10 inch incision they were preparing her for. Hopefully she heals quickly and completely.

Tonight we went to the library and Grace read to a "Dog in Training". She ABSOLUTELY loved it! We had to sign up for the nest one. They had 5 dogs there and she was able to read to 2 of the - Ditto and Hope (both goldens). Grant poked at the dog and pulled its' ear. Jadyn stayed as far away from the dogs as she could, while being able to keep an eye on me. And Jacob...well he was off looking for comic books 9we were at the library). Greg was at the hospital, keeping his dad company while he waited for his mom to get out of recovery.

I think (because I have no more parts to enter) I am going to retire early tonight. Maybe go put my cold fingers on Greg's warm back. yeah, that's what I'll do. Night.

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