Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last night was conferences at the kid's school. Grace's was first and as expected, her teacher had nothing but great things to say about Grace and having her in the classroom. She is doing EVERYTHING exactly where she should be. And her teacher, who was also her kindergarten teacher, was amazed at how she had matured since kindergarten. All in all, a very good conference. Grace is a child that would make any parent proud!

Then it was Jacob's turn. I was not sure what to expect. Jacob is a keep to himself kind of guy. Trying to get any information from him is like pulling teeth. I was almost shocked when his teacher said that he was an absolute joy to have in class. I mean I would think that, but I am his mom....I am not really sure what I was expecting. His teacher said that he was an excellent participator and that he was kind to and thoughtful of his classmates. Wow! Really, it is like he is a totally different kid at school. Whatever - I am so proud!!! His teacher did say that although he does not create the class disturbances, he does like them. Of course, doesn't that go with being a boy? And the other thing she said was that he is more than capable of writing neatly, using correct punctuation and capital letters. The issue is that he is always in such a hurry to get his work done that he speeds through and writes messily. Overall, it was an awesome conference. Not only did I get to learn about Jacob in school, but what I did learn was all good stuff. Great job, son!

I am so proud of my kiddos!!! All of them. Jadyn and Grant are so amazing too! Jadyn has her very matter-of-fact way of telling us how things "should" be. I so love that! Out of the mouth of a 4 year old - true wisdom. What a doll she is! And Grant.....sweet and sour. Tonight all he really wanted to do was vacuum at Grandma's house. He kept asking for her to get him the "bacuum" because he "sees bugs". Ok then - vacuum it is. Love those kids!

This morning Jacob was looking over the book he bought from the book fair yesterday. That was when I told him that Greg and I were going to pay for part of the book and I gave him back $5. he was so excited to have some of his money back, he kept saying "Thank you mom! Thank you mom!" A few minutes later Grace came in ans asked why she did not get a book. Jacob informed her that she had to pay for her own book. She quickly reminded all of us that "mom" had taken all of her money (but that is a different story all together. Let's just call it a lesson in responsibility.) Jacob walked out of the kitchen and came back and handed the $5 I had just given him to Grace. I about fell on the floor. It took all I had not to cry because I was so proud. I know from past experience that he does not like it when I cry around him. But to watch him give from his own pot, to his sister who had none, really tore at this mother's heart strings.

See why I love them all so much? How could anyone not?

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