Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Updates While I'm Waiting To Update

It's been a while. I really have to get things more organized so that I can get this updated. But there are some things that I need to talk about.

1. Grace has a boyfriend. He had a rough beginning in my opinion but seems to be turning out to be a really nice guy. I still think it is WAY too soon for her to have a boyfriend but I am doing my best. He seems to be treating her well, and they are planning to go to homecoming. I am treading lightly through this area. I also think it is extremely interesting that Jacob is not at all interested in dating. In fact, he sent this to me last night. 
FOMO: Dating Relationships in middle and high school can be pointless. So why date? What are we afraid of missing out on? Probably the fun, the make-out sessions, and the “awwww”-inspiring Instagrams that can come with it. But what we don’t see is the distraction, regret, isolation, and heartbreak that can also come along with dating. The difference maker? TIMING! Think about it this way: We all love food. We need it. We crave it. And sometimes, we get so hungry we throw some Totino’s pizza rolls in the microwave and call it a day (low key, they’re delicious). Now, think about the best meal you’ve ever had. More than likely, it took time: some serious meal prep, pots and pans and ovens, meat that had to be cut with a knife and everything. The quicker the preparation, the crappier the meal. Totino's may be good, but let’s be honest—it ain’t the best. You see, God created relationships so a man and a woman could glorify God, enjoy one another, and move toward marriage. He created them to be the best. While dating in school isn’t bad, it might not be the best. In Song of Solomon, the author continually urges the reader not to “stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” The Bible even goes further to promise us that God makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). So maybe it’s OK to miss out on the couple’s photos and date nights right now. Embrace being single now in order to say “yes” to what is best later. Sure, at times you’ll feel like you’re missing out because everyone around you is making out in the school parking lot, but you’re promised in the Bible that if you seek the Lord you will lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10). When it comes to dating while you’re in school, what are you looking to get out of it? What do you really want? Bae might not be bad, but is bae the best?
Send to grace also
...see?? Interesting, right? He just seems to have other more important priorities, and I appreciate that. Although, this morning during our devotional time, both Jacob and Grace prayed in ways that I have never heard them pray before.

2. We had our first "cut" from a team. Interestingly, though, it was not due to inability. Grant was cut from the 4th grade travel basketball team (and consequently the 5th grade team) because I was a disrespectful, loud mouth fool. I was totally in the wrong, but Grant should not have suffered because of my actions. Nevertheless, he did. I did, however, learn a lesson. I have to be quiet, and if I cannot, I MUST be respectful. That is what I am teaching my kiddos, so WHY in the world would I not do it myself?


1. Grace attended homecoming. Grace also had her first kiss at said homecoming. Not really sure how I feel about this as I never dated this early, but I am trying to find my way through this WITH her. I was to encourage her - to make good choices, and protect herself - all while know that relationships are a part of growing up. I'm not going to lie....I don't want either one of us to get hurt in the process either. And I can tend to find myself getting sucked into this relationship. Sounds crazy, I know. I continue to pray that she, as well as all of my kiddos, makes good decisions where the opposite sex is concerned. As kiss can lead to more, and more is where you get hurt. So we are trying to have fun with this, while making sure boundaries are kept in tact.This picture is one of the tactics we are employing:

2. I emailed the above-mentioned coach to apologize. I know I was wrong and should have apologized sooner, and maybe that could have alleviated the cutting of Grant, but my pride got in the way. As such, I have apologized and feel better about it. Still sad about my choice and how it affected Grant, but not guilty about it anymore. I knew he would not respond, and that is ok. I have done my part. He can choose to forgive me and move on or he can harbor a grudge, but the latter will only hurt him. I am sorry for my choice but am forgiven.

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