Friday, March 13, 2015

I'm So Mad!

I can't take it anymore! I have been working in the schools for a few years now - 5, to be specific. And, today I am at my breaking point. Yesterday, as I sat and attempted to mind my own business and eat my lunch, I listened to 3 teachers complain, up one side and down the other, about their students and how terrible they are. How they don't even know simple subtraction in 5th grade. And I started getting mad. I thought to myself.....then teach them and stop complaining. Then I thought some more. It really isn't them. It is the freaking parents. I am sick and tired of parents not being parents. Kids have plenty of friends - what they need is parents to STOP BEING THEIR FRIENDS, and start setting boundaries, stop making excuses and start giving and enforcing consequences. It is not the schools job to raise your kid. It is yours!!! The school will educate them, but you have to raise them. Teach them how to be responsible. Teach them to take pride in their work. Require them to clean up after themselves. This is so simple it is stupid. If you can't be a parent, then don't procreate. All you are doing is making yet another mess for someone else to clean up.

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