Wednesday, October 8, 2014


At least I am consistent. Consistently behind. Even though I know the importance of this. So whatever. No excuses. Just going to try and make up for lost time.

Yesterday I introduced Jacob to his principal. While he was being introduced, he shifted from foot to foot and would NOT look Mr. Livingway in the eyes. So, afterwards we had a talk about what is proper when you are talking to people. Then I told him that at life group that night I wanted him to introduce himself to 3 people. Should be easy, right? Since he already knows everyone there. But - no. He did not do it. Then we went to Grace's gymnastics. While we were there I told him he had to introduce himself to 2 people. Back and forth went this conversation:
Me: Now.
Him: No.
Me: Now.
Him: No.
Me: Now.
Him: No.
Me: Now.
Him: No.
Finally, I MADE him do it. He rushed through it, never looked the person in the eyes and called himself "Grace's sister". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - That will teach you to disobey your mom!!! Anyway, I decided that he needs to work on this. So now he has to meet one new person a day. And come home ans tell me who. And I will follow up to make sure he is telling the truth. Yes, I am THAT mother. He told me he didn't like me last night. I said, "Good. Then I'm doing my job right." This morning things were back where they belonged. 

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