Friday, April 25, 2014

Oh Boy(s)!!!!!!!

I lost my calendar. This is a big deal. I ended up finding that I left it at Greg's Aunt Bernie's modeling agency (I'll get to that later) on Sunday. Well, my WHOLE life is written in that calendar. I cannot tell what happens from one day to the next without it. So, for a while, I was a mess. Bernie overnighted it to me on Monday - which meant I should get it on Tuesday. Well, I had to work on Tuesday so I was not home. I had a friend that even stopped over after a morning meeting to check and see if it was delivered. I was at school until 4:50pm. I drove home and when I walked in the door, I noticed that slip from the USPS saying they "tried" to deliver my package and I could now pick it up at the post office. I started screaming "Get in the car!" We loaded up and I drove WAY TOO FAST to the post office, where I was reunited with my calendar. When I opened the package, I hugged it and welcomed it home. Sick, I know. But, oh well. OK - onto the BOY part of this story. As I was pulling out of the driveway, the garage door would not shut, so I made Jacob jump out to shut it but I could not wait for him to move the stuff that was in the way, shut the door and get back in the car, so I left. I called him as I was driving WAY TOO FAST, and told him to take the meat that was defrosting on the counter, put it in the frying pan and heat it. Clearly he did not hear me. As I returned home, I came into the kitchen, and saw Jacob with the ground beef, BEATING it with a meat mallet. I started laughing and explained that was not what I said. He replied, "At least it is tender now."

Backing up again, as we were driving (slower now) home from the post office, we started talking about Washington State. Grant thought that was Washington DC, and he said, "Washington DC is where dad works." I told him that dad did not work in Washington DC. He said, "Yes, he does. Remember we went there with Tom?" I thought to myself, there is NO WAY he could possibly remember going to Abraham Lincoln's house when we were in Illinois - and Tom was there. Then Grant started talking about when we went and saw the capitol with Tom. Oh, now I get it. It is so amazing what that kids can remember.

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