For whatever reason, I have not been updating here much. I am sorry to my kiddos because I have not updated you on your childhood. I am sorry to Greg, because I know he (secretly) reads my posts. I am sorry to anyone else who chooses to follow our crazy life. So here is an update (from my Facebook posts):
November 11
I am overhearing her give a lesson to Jacob and Jadyn on chicken. She just asked them if they want to see the inside of the chicken. "I see ribs. ICK!" "That is disgusting." Mother Grace says "That is what you eat though."

Some True words on parenting.
November 7 (day after election)
Lots of people are disappointed today. I am too. However, differing opinions do not give us the right to talk down to other people. It is the opportunity to have an opinion and be able to express it (whether other people agree with it or not) that makes us a great country. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, turn the other cheek. Talking down to people only makes you look foolish.
Today I was asked by a child at school..."Kids in my class said Barack Obama doesn't believe in God. Does he believe in God?" My response was....."That is between God and him. But you might want to talk with your parents about this." However, this poses a good question - does he? My prayer is that he does. And if he doesn't, that his eyes and heart open soon. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Let's check the words. Better yet....let's check the actions. Praying for you, Mr. President.
On a totally different note - I sure love the kiddos at my school. Some of them are wise beyond their years.
November 2
Krystel, her boys and Ava came to visit. Ava got to go to school with Jadyn (and to this day the kids keep asking me when Ava B. is coming back).
November 1
It's not trusting in the LORD that is the hard part (because He is more than faithful), it is the leaning NOT on my own understanding that trips me up (dang flesh always gets in the way). ~my thoughts on Proverbs 3:5-6
Jesus loves you - NOW.....go have a great day!
October 30
More words from Scripture:
"God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging....The LORD Almighty is with us....'Be still, and know that I am God;'..." (From Psalm 46)
Praying for EVERYONE affected by this storm. Be still and know that He is.
October 28
So, I am sitting on the floor, minding my own business, folding laundry...when all of a sudden Grant (4yrs old) comes up to me, sits down on my lap, pats my boobs, and says "Hey Boober!" WHAT?!?!?!?! Did I mention that I really enjoyed my 1/5 hours walking around Meijer - alone?
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