Thursday, March 8, 2012

Still Searching for THE House

We are still in the house hunt process. I am getting very weary of it all. My heart's desire is a house of our own (in this sub, 4 bedrooms, finished basement, 3 car garage, large kitchen). Yeah....I know. But we were talking about my heart's desire, right? So, we have put in 3 offers for a house here and it has ended up nowhere. I keep praying about it, asking God to change my heart if this is not what He wants for us. The inventory of houses around here is close to none and this makes this process that much harder. But I keep coming back to.....nothing is impossible with God. NOTHING. Even finding THE house. I do not want to be impatient. I do not want to be greedy. I just want to care for our family in the best way we know how. I want to be responsible with what God has entrusted to us, and that includes how we spend money on housing. That said, if I am not in God's will, I do want that. So, again, my prayer is that God will provide (which He does) and/or that He will change my heart to be more aligned with His will.

Our devotion today was from Judges, talking about Gideon (I love him) getting ready to fight the Midianites. Gideon had an army of 32,000 men. But God knew that if they fought with that many and won, they would claim the victory for themselves. In this situation and in all our life situations, God wants the glory for Him - and that is where it belongs. So, God reduced Gideon's army down to 300 men. And they defeated the Midianites!! And God was glorified! That makes me think of this house situation. When we look at the entire thing through the lens of being human, it will scare us. It does look close to impossible. But that is the thing.....NOTHING is impossible for God! NOTHING. Sometimes things happen out of nowhere so that God is glorified. That is what is giving me peace in this situation. God is in control. Which means....I do not have to worry. (Besides worry is a sin)

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