Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa & Grandma Boss's House
We are back. We went "home" (to Howell) for spring break this past week. It was a good time of visiting and resting. The bad part was that we had to leave Greg home. We were all kind of bummed about that. But he was able to do some catching up at work and some looking into a "new" van for me. Tonight has been a VERY rough night for Grace. It was difficult for Grace and Grandma when we left this morning, but Grace's sorrow has continued on throughout the day and now spilled over into bedtime. Apparently while I was out, Grace spoke to Grandma on the phone and was advised to get a picture of Grace and Grandma and stick it under her pillow. She found one and while we prayed tonight she hugged the picture and sobbed. Then she told me that she need to get a picture of Grandpa too. So now she has 2 pictures cradled in her arms as she sobs herself to sleep. Very, very sad. But we have had many discussions on how we need to focus on all the fun we had and look forward to the next time, instead of being depressed over what we do not have. *Note to self* There is no point in that.
So on a way more amazing note....I believe with EVERY fiber of my being that my dad experienced a miraculous healing. You know, the kind that took place when Jesus walked this earth? Two weeks ago, my cousin Becky went to have lunch with my dad (they both have diabetes and Becky is a nurse). She lives over 1 1/2 hours away, so this was no small thing. They went to lunch and then she hung out with him for awhile. She also tested his blood sugar. It was too high for the meter to read (over 600), which is not good at all. Becky also described him as too weak to even stand, extremely tired, jaundiced eyes, and that his lips were sticking to his teeth as he talked. She left there and consulted with her doctors, who told her that he needed to get to the hospital IMMEDIATELY because the thickening of his blood would be causing his organs to work overtime to pump the blood and cause them to shut down. She told him this, but if you know my dad....he was not going to the hospital. He would "just take a handful of pills." Apparently, on his own, he went and had a bunch of blood work done the next day. Fast forward to Friday as I am driving home. I was about one hour into a 5 1/2 hour trip, when my brother calls me and asks if I was on my way and when I would be there and tells me that "dad needs to go to the hospital now." I guess Becky called her dad (Mike, my dad's brother), who called Scott (my brother), who called me. I was later told that they chose Scott because they thought he would be the most calm one - apparently not. Anyway after calling me Scott told Mike to call Dan (my dad's other brother) and have Dan MAKE my dad go to the hospital. Sure. Long story short - Dan went over and called the doctor with my dad and the doctor said to come in. Dan took my dad to the doctor and they went over the results from the blood work done on Wednesday. The results were blood sugar of 212, blood pressure 120/80, cholesterol 194 (down from over 400). The doctor said that he was doing amazing! They even checked his blood again at the doctor's office, just to be sure. When I got there Friday afternoon, my dad looked great. He had lost a ton of weight (which I am sure contributed to the good numbers), his eyes were bright and he looked healthy. This is what I am talking about when I say miraculous healing - from what he looked like on Tuesday to what I saw on Friday, was nothing short of God's Hand at work in my dad. God healed my dad - I have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT OF THAT!!! Praise His Holy Name! This is all on the heels of me reading in the New Testament in the Bible about Jesus and the disciples and the healing that they did. As I read, I so wished I could be a part of that - that I could see it firsthand. Oh, did I get a glimpse of it! And after seeing even this one miracle...how could I not trust God Most High with everything?
I have so much more to say, but must continue tomorrow. My beloved is waiting for me.
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