Greg was wrestling with the kids tonight. Somehow Grant managed to knock Grace's tooth out. She screamed bloody murder and was in fact really bloody, but the dang tooth needed to come out. It had been just hanging there for weeks.
The Rainbow Cake
We made this rainbow cake (thanks April) for a friend and invited her over for dinner tonight. She was so surprised to see the inside. In fact, I think we were all amazed that it turned out so well. And get the kids and I were laying in the girl's bed getting ready to do devotions (a new book I found under the bed) we asked Jesus to tell us where He wanted us to go in the book. Jadyn started to flip the pages and Grace said "no! let Jesus pick". I had to tell her that I did not think He was going to actually flip the page - but hey - with God anything IS possible. So we let Jadyn pick. And guess what she turned to? Yep, you guessed. The story of Noah (and God's promise in the RAINBOW)! How totally awesome of our AMAZING God to lead us right there. So very cool! And then the devotion.....oh my. It asked some good "how would you feel if you were on the ark with Noah?" Of course, my kids all said they would be excited because they could be with the animals. Then they asked me how I would feel. I said at first I would feel glad because I was ON the ark and not outside of it, but then I would feel very sad about all the people outside that were crying out to be saved and who were not saved. How hard that would be. This then turned to Jacob asking me, "If Jesus came back now, what would happen to us who are alive?" Wow. I explained that when Jesus comes back the dead in Christ will rise first and those who are still alive and believe in Christ and have a personal relationship with Him will meet Jesus and the others in the air. Almost instantly, Grace was bawling. I asked her what was wrong and she said, through her tears, "what about Jadyn and Grant? I want them to come with us." Oh my sweetness. You see, Jacob and Grace have prayed and given their hearts to the Lord and Grace knows that Jadyn and Grant have not yet done this. I told her that God will take care of the "babies", that they are not yet ready to handle this kind of decision and the day will come when they are and that this is their choice, but we pray they will choose Jesus. But, this also led us to a conversation about the sadness she felt. I told her that there are still a lot of people who have not made decisions for Christ, some of them even in our family, and that we need to feel this grief for them and continue to lift them up to the Lord and pray that their hearts will be softened to Jesus. We can't choose for anyone, but we can pray and we can live our lives as an example for Christ. How awesome is God? To provide all this from a simple rainbow cake? We truly serve an infinitely, marvellously wonderful King of Kings. Praise His Holy Name!!!!
Jacob started playing Upwards basketball. These are some pics from his first game.
Calling his name as he ran out to the court
Caught in the action
After the game, sweaty, but with his snack
Michelle! I just love your blog. :) Hey, Sally sent me a link to a blog with that rainbow cake, and I'm totally planning to make it for my daughter Sylvia's birthday in March! What a beautiful blessing it was for your family! :)