The Front View
The Back View
A Close Up
There was an ice cream social after school today. At 3PM I remembered that I forgot to tell my kids NOT to ride the bus home, but that I would pick them up for the social. So I called the school and asked them to inform my kiddos. At about 3:40PM I was standing in the parking lot of the school, stroller out with Grant in it, getting ready to get Jadyn out, in the pouring rain (and it was very humid - hence the rain), when I heard over the school's loud speaker "Jacob Pawlak, please come to the office. Jacob Pawlak, please come to the office". I started to think "what the heck?" So I called the school (from the parking lot) and asked if Jacob had made it ON the bus. They informed me that, sadly, yes, he had gotten on the bus. So here I am. Standing in the pouring rain, one kid in the stroller, one kid strapped in the car, one kid in the school office (where she is supposed to be) and one kid on the bus (where he is NOT supposed to be). What am I to do? Here's what I did - I ran! As fast as I could pushing the stroller. I saw the buses pulling out of the parking lot and thought I could flag Jacob's bus down. I was frantically looking for bus 45 while crazily running towards the moving buses, all while using the stroller with my almost one year old in it as leverage. I finally saw bus 45 and started waving my hands like a madwoman. I was sure that at this time my poor son was totally mortified because I knew I would be if my mom did something like that. But what were my choices? Let him go home alone? No way. Leave my other kids at the school while I raced home? Heck no. Needless to say - the bus driver saw me and stopped (miracle of all miracles - maybe she really recognized me from EVERY day at the bus stop). She would not open the door until she got permission from someone (who? I don't know) and then she finally let my child off the bus. So into the school we marched. Jacob really oblivious and me....soaking wet, not only with rain, but sweat from my stroller race in the parking lot. Exactly how I wanted to look to sit with all the other parents in the cafeteria of the school. I guess I was due....I golfed this morning and then went out to lunch, so I needed a real "MOM" moment.
That is the FUNNIEST story EVER!!! (Not about the dress...but the other part!) I can picture it in my mind and I am cracking up!!!