Today, Day 4, is just another day ~ closer to him coming home! Grace was upset this morning. She told me that she "doesn't have any friends". Truly - I find it hard to believe based on who she really is BUT I think back to my years in school and remember that I really didn't have friends myself and that makes me sad. I am trying to talk her through this but for crying out loud - she is only in kindergarten!!! Are the kids this bad this soon? Or is my precious princess too sensitive? I know - spoken like the mother, but what can I say? I AM THE MOTHER!!! So, now is the time. I am soliciting advice....what do I say? What do I do?
I guess, as with EVERYTHING in my life, I need to commit this situation to my Lord. I am getting to the point where I am not going to have time to do anything other than pray all day ~ which is not so bad, except when my kids start to stink and starve.
That's all for now....Jadyn is laying on top of a blanket...which is on top of Grant, so I guess I better go. Until later.....
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