So today I was nominated (by myself, of course) for *Mom of the Year*. I went to school for Grace's book fair preview as her special friend. I had a few minutes to kill before it started so I figured I would mosey on down and check in on Jacob. I got to his class, looked in and could not see him anywhere. I was almost going to ask the teacher where he was, when it dawned on me ~ Jacob stayed home from school today to work on his Pinewood Derby car with Grandpa! Holy cow! I could have gotten myself in some serious trouble, had I opened my mouth. Obviously I have been a bit preoccupied. I spent a good part of the morning feeling sad for Greg. I am so heart-broken at his lonliness (the real stuff AND the ideas in my head) - you know...the pictures I have running through my head of my man sitting alone in his La-Z-Boy, eating his ramen noodles, looking at his blank TV screen (because he has no cable). While it sounds almost funny, it really truly makes me so very sad. I love him so much and hate that he has to sacrifice so much for us. Don't get me wrong - I am glad that he is willing to do it. I just hate that he has to. I just wish and pray that we can be there soon with him.
Again, I just keep giving this ENTIRE situation to God. Without Him, neither Greg or I could make it (through this or anything for that matter). God is so good and we are trusting in His plan for our family. He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. We keep relying on Him and seeing His miracles take place. I am so proud of my husband and his new-found reliance on God. I continue to pray that he will continue to trust the ONLY ONE who can control all situations - his Lord Jesus!!! I am so proud to say that he has taken up reading (which he never really liked to do). He starts his day off reading the Bible and closes his day reading ~ get this ~ For Who the Bell Tolls. I know - I can't hardly believe it myself. I personally would have picked something a little easier.
The kids...
Grant (still getting over being sick, cried - actually screamed - from 12:30 am until 2:04 am last night, will hopefully sleep soundly tonight, is starting to put his arms up when he wants to come - sometimes)
Jadyn (so glad to have her *Grampy* back, talked about him all day, was REALLY crabby at bedtime, her mouth is healing quite well - PTL!!!)
Grace (the one with the heart, was saddened tonight as we prayed (for Dad) - she misses him - although I almost thought for a minute that she was acting that way because she saw me sad, but then never mind....she is just the one who really wants to talk to Greg, asks him EVERY question you could imagine)
Jacob (totally consumed with himself - Pinewood Derby, Pokemon, Wii, Star Wars video game, money - how do I get his mind on someone other than himself? Super sweet when he wants to be - but aren't they all?)