Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cry Out - I Must

How can I keep quiet???? How can I not praise the name of my precious Lord and Savior???? The rocks will certainly CRY OUT if I am silent! God is SO awesome, great, wonderful, powerful, amazing, outstanding, all-knowing, loving, and concerned for ME!!! I know I am not worthy of such love and grace, yet He gives it to me new each and every day! Praise you Lord!!! I just want to make some notes here of ways that God has worked in my life recently:

1. After posting my last post, I went to my blog to check it out. Can you guess what song was playing? (Music means so much to me when I think about my Jesus) The song was "Everything Glorious" by David Crowder. Could it be any clearer to me? He was telling me that He will make everything glorious - all I have to do is be obedient and listen.
2. So after that song and me bawling because I love Him so much, the next song came on. "O Praise Him" again by David Crowder. So what could I do? I started praising Him - singing to Him, dancing for Him, worshipping Him.
3. Now, consider God's timing in this musical worship session - I just uploaded these songs last night! How amazing He is!
4. Greg and I were talking last night about how we are not "attached" to this house. I mean, we built it and love it, but it is, as Greg called it, "some 2x4's, drywall and some brick". We aren't drawn to stay here. As we were talking, we were thinking about Greg's time on the HOA board here. All the GARBAGE that he went through made it easier for us to be "able" to leave. We were able to be thankful for the "garbage".
5. Another issue of God's impeccable timing - Greg has a Tuesday morning meeting each Tuesday at his current company. How amazing is it that this morning Greg accepted his new job and then he went to work only to find out they missed profit projections by ~$4M and were going to have to do another round of layoffs? Praise our sweet Lord in heaven! And we will continue to pray for those still left there.

God is amazing like this all the time! The problem is sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to let Him work in them. I am so thankful for this "yucky" time in our lives, so that we are able to experience, up close and personal, God's greatness and love for us. If you have not slowed down enough to feel God's presence in your life - STOP!!!! And let Him work in your life. He has so much in store for you. Yield to His love and accept His forgiveness. He loves you so much and is waiting for you!

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